A downloadable game

After bringing up live samples of the Thing on the Magellan, the crew started preparing for an orbital slingshot manueuver...but that Thing...massacred everyone while i hid.

Now the Magellan is in a elipsis shaped  orbit around the planet. 29 days away from the planet, 1 day near it...i need to survive until then, and on that day leave this hell for once and for all.


W - Propell forward
Left Mouse Button - pick up/interact
Right Mouse Button - use item
E - Open/Close containers(corpses too)
B - Open/Close equipped containers

Commands(Press C then ESC to use console):

tp - teleports you to a location(hatch,printer,security,storage)
repairall - repairs all structures on the Magellan
give [itemname] - grants the user the wanted item(flashlight,repairtool,metal_sheet)

event - 50% chance for an event to happen(Asteroid strike on the solar panels, get out to fix them!)


Prototype_06_06.zip 66 MB

Development log